Column Name | Data Type | Description |
backup_product_type | NUMBER | Backup product type |
get_all_nbu_jobs | STRING | Yes/No indicating whether to get all NetBackup jobs |
host_name | STRING | Internal name of the client |
last_drive_status_poll | TIMESTAMP | The last time the drive status was polled |
last_job_poll | TIMESTAMP | The last time the job was polled |
last_missing_event_poll | TIMESTAMP | The last time the missing event was polled |
management_server_id | NUMBER | ID of the management server for the library |
product_type_name | STRING | Product type |
server_timezone | STRING | Time zone of the server |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_file_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_client_file |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the client that is being backed up |
display_name | STRING | The name that is displayed on the StorageConsole Web Interface for this client/server |
filename | STRING | The full path and filename |
file_type | RAW | 1 = file 2 = directory 4 = link |
host_name | STRING | Host name associated with the client ID |
owner | STRING | Owner of the file |
parent_id | NUMBER | StorageConsole internal ID for the parent of this file |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
domain_id | NUMBER | Domain ID |
is_default | STRING | Indicates if it is a default |
window_group_id | NUMBER | Unique ID for the window |
window_group_name | STRING | Name of the date window |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
actual_start_date | DATE | Actual start date |
dedup_files | NUMBER | Deduplicated files |
dedup_size | NUMBER | Deduplicated size |
device_id | NUMBER | Device ID |
job_id | NUMBER | Unique job ID. Primary key in this view |
job_name_id | NUMBER | Job Name ID |
media_id | NUMBER | Media ID |
nbr_of_directories | NUMBER | Number of directories |
orig_files | NUMBER | Original files |
orig_size | NUMBER | Original size |
pathname | STRING | Path name |
policy_id | NUMBER | Policy ID |
schedule_id | NUMBER | Schedule ID |
schedule_name | STRING | Name of the backup schedule |
scheduled_start_date | DATE | Scheduled start date |
vendor_id | NUMBER | Vendor ID |
vendor_job_id | STRING | Vendor job ID |
vendor_job_type | STRING | Vendor job type |
vendor_name | STRING | Vendor name |
vendor_policy_name | STRING | Vendor policy name |
vendor_status_code | STRING | Vendor status code |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the client being backed up. |
client_name | STRING | Name of the client being backed up. |
duration | STRING | Duration in Hour, Minute, Second |
duration_secs | NUMBER | Duration in seconds |
finish_date | DATE | Date/time that the job completed |
is_active | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
job_bitflags | RAW | This is a bit field that can be “OR’ed” to represent the following bitwise variables: Bit 0 = Manually started job Bit 1 = Compressed backup job Bit 2 = DB compressed backup job Bit 3 = Encrypted backup job |
job_id | NUMBER | Primary key for this view. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job. For TSM, the foreign key to apt_v_tsm_job. This is the StorageConsole internal job ID and NOT the same as the backup product Job ID. |
job_type | Backup Exec: 201 = Resource Discovery 202 = Backup 203 = Duplicate 204 = Catalog 205 = Report 206 = Restore 207 = Test Run 208 = Inventory Or Erase 209 = Verify 299 = Other | |
job_type | HP Data Protector: 601 = Full Backup 602 = Incremental Backup 603 = Incremental Backup 1 604 = Incremental Backup 2 605 = Incremental Backup 3 606 = Incremental Backup 4 607 = Incremental Backup 5 608 = Incremental Backup 6 609 = Incremental Backup 7 610 = Incremental Backup 8 611 = Incremental Backup 9 612 = Diff 698 = Restore 699 = Other | |
job_type | NetWorker: 301 = Full Backup 302 = Incremental Backup 303 = Migration 304 = Manual Backup 305 = Consolidate 306 = Copy 307 = Diff 308 = 1 309 = 2 310 = 3 311 = 4 312 = 5 313 = 6 314 = 7 315 = 8 316 = 9 317 = Restore 399 = Other | |
job_type | Tivoli Storage Manager: 401 = Selective Backup 402 = Incremental Backup 403 = Image Backup 404 = Archive 405 = Restore 406 = Image Restore 407 = Retrieve 408 = Command 409 = Macro 410 = Migration 411 = Reclamation 412 = Full DB Backup 413 = Incremental DB Backup 414 = Stg. Pool Backup 415 = Expiration 416 = Move DR Media 417 = Move Media 418 = Backup 419 = Tape Mount 499 = Other | |
job_type | NUMBER | NetBackup: 101 = Full backup 102 = Incremental backup 103 = Catalog backup 104 = Archive 105 = Restore 106 = Verification 107 = Duplicate 108 = Import 109 = Migration 110 = Label 111 = Media Erase 112 = Application backup 199 = Other |
job_type_name | STRING | Job type names as above. |
kilobytes | NUMBER | For backup jobs, this is the number of kilobytes in the backup. For restore jobs, this is the number of kilobytes restored |
mbytes_sec | NUMBER | Megabytes per second |
media_type | CHAR | D=Disk-based backup, T=Tape-based backup |
nbr_of_files | NUMBER | Number of files affected by the job |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 1 –Veritas NetBackup 2 – Veritas Backup Exec 3 – EMC NetWorker 4 – IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 – Commvault Simpana 6 – HP Data Protector |
product_type_name | STRING | Names as above |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the Master Server. |
server_name | STRING | Master server name |
start_date | DATE | Date/time that the job started |
summary_status | NUMBER | This is an enumeration field with the following values: 0 =successful 1 = partial / warning 2 = failed / error This field can be inspected to determine the overall summary status of a job. |
vendor_state | NUMBER | Native backup product specific job state codes. |
vendor_state_name | STRING | Native backup product specific job state name. |
vendor_status | NUMBER | Native backup product status code |
vendor_status_name | STRING | Native backup product status name |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_file_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_client_file |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the client being backed up. |
display_name | STRING | The name that is displayed on the StorageConsole Web Interface for this client/server |
file_byte_size | NUMBER | Size of the job file |
file_type | RAW | 1 = file 2 = directory 4 = link |
filename | STRING | Pathname and filename |
host_name | STRING | Host name associated with the client ID |
job_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_gen_job. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job. For TSM, the foreign key to apt_v_tsm_job. |
last_modified | DATE | The date of the last job file update. |
owner | STRING | Owner of the file in the file system |
parent_id | NUMBER | StorageConsole internal ID for the parent of this file |
tape_media_index | RAW | an index, starting from 1, indicating on which tape the file resides |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
job_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_gen_job. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job. For TSM, the foreign key to apt_v_tsm_job. |
message | STRING | Text of the job message |
seq | NUMBER | The message’s position in the list of messages. |
try_index | NUMBER | Applicable only for NetBackup jobs (See try_index in apt_v_nbu_job_try) |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
job_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_gen_job. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job. For TSM, the foreign key to apt_v_tsm_job. |
note_date | DATE | Date the note was attached to the job. |
user_id | NUMBER | ID of the user who wrote the note |
user_name | STRING | User name |
user_note | STRING | Text of the note message |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
job_id | NUMBER | Unique job ID |
seq | NUMBER | The sequence in the list of skipped files. |
skipped_filename | STRING | The explicit path and filename of the file that was skipped by the backup job. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
controlling_server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the media server that is controlling the library. |
controlling_server_name | STRING | Name of the controlling server. |
device_name | STRING | Full pathname to the device that is controlling the tape drive |
drive_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_drive. For NetBackup, foreign key to apt_v_nbu_su_group_member. |
drive_in_use | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
drive_name | STRING | Name of the tape drive as reported by the backup product |
drive_status | STRING | U = Online, D = Offline |
library_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_library. For NetBackup, foreign key to apt_v_nbu_tape_library. |
library_name | STRING | Name of the library that controls the drive |
management_server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the library’s management server. |
management_server_name | STRING | Name of the library’s management server |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 1 –Veritas NetBackup 2 – Veritas Backup Exec 3 – EMC NetWorker 4 – IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 – Commvault Simpana 6 – HP Data Protector |
product_type_name | STRING | Descriptive name associated with the product type, as above. |
server_instance_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server_instance. |
status_last_updated | DATE | Last date & time the drive status was checked |
vendor_drive_status | CHAR | Vendor-specific drive status |
vendor_drive_type | NUMBER | The type of tape drive. The following is a list of the possible enumeration values: 1=Qtr Inch 2=Half Inch 3=Half Inch-type 2 4=Half Inch-type 3 5=4MM 6=8MM 7=8MM type 2 8=8MM type 3 9=DLT 10=DLT type 2 11=DLT type 3 12=DTF 13=Optical Library 99=Other |
vendor_drive_type_name | STRING | The vendor’s name for the drive type |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
drive_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_drive. For NetBackup, foreign key to apt_v_nbu_su_group_member. |
drive_name | STRING | Name of the tape drive |
drive_status | STRING | TSM: In-Use Mounting Dismounting Empty NetBackup: Up Down Up Opr Mode NetWorker: Offline Online HP DataProtector Disabled Online |
in_use | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
is_online | CHAR | Y=Yes, N=No |
media_name | STRING | Native media name |
poll_time | DATE | The time that this drive was polled and status collected |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 1 –Veritas NetBackup 2 – Veritas Backup Exec 3 –EMC NetWorker 4 – IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 – Commvault Simpana 6 – HP Data Protector |
product_type_name | STRING | The descriptive name associated with the product type, as above. |
tape_media_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_media. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_tape_media. This is an internal ID and not the same as the tape media name/code or barcode in backup product. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
controlling_server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server, for the media server. |
controlling_server_name | STRING | Name of the controlling server. |
description | STRING | Free-form text field |
device_name | STRING | Device name that controls the tape library |
instance_name | STRING | Name of the tape library instance. |
is_disk_library | CHAR | Indicates if this is a disk library |
is_online | CHAR | Y = Yes, N=No |
library_external_name | STRING | External library name |
library_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_library. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_tape_library. |
library_name | STRING | Custom name assigned to the library |
library_type | STRING | Vendor-specific library type name. |
media_capacity | NUMBER | Total number of tapes that could be loaded within this tape library. |
nbr_of_drives | NUMBER | Number of tape drives within the tape library |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server. |
server_name | STRING | Server’s internal name |
vendor_library_nbr | NUMBER | Unique number assigned to each library |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
instance_name | STRING | Instance name |
last_updated | DATE | Last updated date |
library_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_library, which contains this media. |
library_name | STRING | Name of the tape library. |
library_slot_nbr | NUMBER | Slot number within the tape library. This will be NULL for off-site tapes or tapes that are not within a library. |
media_name | STRING | Native media name. |
media_status | CHAR | This field contains the media status. The following is a list of the enumeration values: Y = Deleted E = Empty D = Filling F = Full P = Error X = Unavailable C = Cleaning V = Status in vendor media status column |
media_status_name | STRING | Media status names as above. |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: 1 - Symantec NetBackup 2 - Veritas Backup Exec 3 - EMC NetWorker 4 - IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 - CommVault Galaxy 6 - HP Data Protector |
product_type_name | STRING | Names as above. |
server_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the master server that is managing this media. |
server_name | STRING | Name of the master server that is managing this media . |
tape_media_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_media. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_tape_library. This is an internal ID and not the same as the tape media name/code or barcode in backup product. |
vendor_media_status | NUMBER | Backup product specific media status codes. |
vendor_media_status_name | STRING | Backup product specific media status names. |
vendor_media_type | NUMBER | Codes for the media type (specific to backup product). |
vendor_media_type_name | STRING | Backup product specific media type name. |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
client_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the client being backed up. |
clone_id | NUMBER | Applicable for NetWorker only. |
display_name | STRING | The name that is displayed on the StorageConsole Web Interface for this client/server |
drive_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_drive. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_su_group_member. This is the tape drive on which the job/tape media was mounted and written. |
drive_name | STRING | Name of the tape drive |
host_name | STRING | Host name associate with the client ID |
job_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_gen_job. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job. For TSM, the foreign key to apt_v_tsm_job. |
kilobytes | NUMBER | For backup jobs, this is the number of kilobytes in the backup. For restore jobs, this is the number of kilobytes restored |
media_name | STRING | Native media name |
tape_media_id | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_tape_media.For NetBackup, foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job_state. This is an internal ID and not the same as the tape media name/code or barcode in backup product |
vendor_status | CHAR | Applicable for NetWorker only: C = Complete H = Head M = Middle T = Tail |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
CLIENT_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the client |
CLIENT_NAME | STRING | Name of the client being backed up |
DURATION | STRING | Duration in time format: 00:00:00:00 |
DURATION_SECS | NUMBER | Duration in seconds |
FINISH_DATE | DATE | Date/time the job completed |
IS_ACTIVE | STRING | Is active: Y or N |
JOB_BITFLAGS | RAW | Job bit flags. This field can be “ORed” to represent the following bitwise values: Bit 0 = Manually started job Bit 1 = Compressed backup job Bit 2 = DB compressed backup job Bit 3 = Encrypted backup job, Raw |
JOB_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_gen_job for the client being backed up. For NetBackup, the foreign key to apt_v_nbu_job. For TSM, the foreign key to apt_v_tsm_job. This is the internal job ID and NOT the same as the backup product Job ID. |
JOB_TYPE_NAME | STRING | Job type names, as listed above |
JOB_TYPe | NUMBER | Backup Exec: 201 = Resource Discovery 202 = Backup 203 = Duplicate 204 = Catalog 205 = Report 206 = Restore 207 = Test Run 208 = Inventory Or Erase 209 = Verify 299 = Other |
JOB_TYPE | NUMBER | Enumerated type with the following possible values: NetBackup: 101 = Full backup 102 = Incremental backup 103 = Catalog backup 104 = Archive 105 = Restore 106 = Verification 107 = Duplicate 108 = Import 109 = Migration 110 = Label 111 = Media Erase 112 = Application backup 199 = Other |
JOB_TYPE | NUMBER | NetWorker: 301 = Full Backup 302 = Incremental Backup 303 = Migration 304 = Manual Backup 305 = Consolidate 306 = Copy 307 = Diff 308 = 1 309 = 2 310 = 3 311 = 4 312 = 5 313 = 6 314 = 7 315 = 8 316 = 9 317 = Restore 399 = Other |
JOB_TYPE | NUMBER | Tivoli Storage Manager: 401 = Selective Backup 402 = Incremental Backup 403 = Image Backup 404 = Archive 405 = Restore 406 = Image Restore 407 = Retrieve 408 = Command 409 = Macro 410 = Migration 411 = Reclamation 412 = Full DB Backup 413 = Incremental DB Backup 414 = Stg. Pool Backup 415 = Expiration 416 = Move DR Media 417 = Move Media 418 = Backup 419 = Tape Mount 499 = Other ,Number |
KILOBYTES | NUMBER | For backup jobs, this is the number of kilobytes in the backup. For restore jobs, this is the number of kilobytes restored. |
MBYTES_SEC | NUMBER | Megabytes per second |
MEDIA_TYPE | STRING | Media Type |
NBR_OF_FILES | NUMBER | Number of files affected by the job |
PRODUCT_TYPE | NUMBER | Enumerate field with the following possible values: 1 = Veritas NetBackup 2 = Veritas Backup Exec 3 = EMC NetWorker 4 = IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5 = Commvault Simpana 6 = HP Data Protector |
PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME | STRING | Name, as listed above |
SERVER_ID | NUMBER | Foreign key to apt_v_server for the backup server |
SERVER_NAME | STRING | Server name |
START_DATE | DATE | Start date |
SUMMARY_STATUS | NUMBER | Enumerated field with the following possible values: 0 = successful 1 = partial/warning 2 = failed/error This field can be inspected to determine the overall summary status of a job |
VENDOR_STATE | NUMBER | Native backup product-specific job state codes |
VENDOR_STATE_NAME | STRING | Native backup product-specific job state names |
VENDOR_STATUS | NUMBER | Native backup product status code |
VENDOR_STATUS_NAME | STRING | Native backup product status name |
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
long_description | STRING | Long version of the message. |
message_code | NUMBER | Product specific message number. |
product_type | NUMBER | Enumeration field with the following possible values: • 1 – Veritas NetBackup • 2 – Veritas Backup Exec • 3 – EMC NetWorker • 4 – IBM Tivoli Storage Manager • 5 – Commvault Simpana • 6 – HP Data Protector |
short_description | STRING | Short message. |